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    Vanubuntu: removing Ubuntu mods

    Vanubuntu gives you a clean desktop interface with many apps.

    What is Vanubuntu?

    Vanubuntu is a Linux distribution that uses the same base as Ubuntu, but removes the modifications to the desktop.

    A standard Vanubuntu setup consists primarily of a basic Ubuntu setup, plus several unmodified versions of Ubuntu programs or GNOME counterparts.

    How do I install Vanubuntu?

    Check "Install" on the navigation bar.

    Is this a clone of Ubuntu?

    No. Vanubuntu is based entirely on Ubuntu and the GNOME desktop.

    How do I install software on Vanubuntu?

    You can use Debian packages and Flatpak to install software.

    Snap is not available because it is heavily criticised by the Ubuntu community that it's uneccesary to include it.

    If you're a hacker, you can delete one of the apt pin files to allow apt to install snapd, however you might accidentally remove the wrong file and break your system.

    Ubuntu is a registered trademark of Canonical Ltd.

    Content of this website is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.